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Corporate logo redesign is always a challenging task. Sometimes it’s even controversially undertaking for both the designer and organization involved. A great example of this is the Gap Logo. I think I can speak for everybody when I say that Gaps logo was probably the worst re-design in 2010. Once social media got involved, it spread like a wildfire.

Although many companies re-brand/redesign their logo, sometimes its not the best choice to do that. You already have a mass customer base that recognize your brand already. Changing your appearance drastically can really hurt. However you can always freshen up your appearance and make it modern. A great example of this is Walmart’s new logo.

It was a great year, and a year that many companies have re-branded themselves. Many for the better, and a few for the worst. This massive list includes a great variety of different companies that had re-branding performed in 2009-2010. We want you to be the judge and tell us which companies have the worst/best re-branding.

check them out

The Greatest Brandversations by Stefan Asafti

German Designer Dave Spengeler had a great idea: Create hipster styled logos for brands we all know and love. For the ongoing project he launched the Hipster Branding Tumblr Blog. By utilizing hip icons, fonts and design elements the logo designs actually come out great. He takes full advantage of anchors, mustaches, Helvetica, glasses, and the big crossed lined X’s.

If you didn’t know by now, a Hipster is a person who follows the latest trends and fashions. The hipster is categorized by their party foul bike, messenger bag, too-tight jeans, vintage tee collection, headband over unkempt hair, too-large glasses and/or sunglasses. We believe that Dave is ironically making fun of hipsters and the current state of design. In some regard we can totally understand where he is coming from. One thing for sure is that we fully appreciate his creativity!

check it out

If you are a designer or just an average Joe, you’ve seen hundreds of logos in your lifetime. Being bombarded with advertising, we naturally learn to ignore it. Some companies slack and use Microsoft Word to create their logo. Innovative companies on the other hand, put thought in their logo design. Have you ever stopped to appreciate the hidden details in a logo? Today we have collected many famous logos that contain hidden messages. Some might be well known, but we hope you will learn about new ones as well!

1. FedEx

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You probably already know this one, but for those who do not: Look between the “E” and the “x”. In the white space there is an arrow that subliminally represents speed and precision. Now that we mentioned it, you will probably see the arrow all the time!


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The yellow swoosh looks like a smile: want to have the best customer satisfaction. While providing great serve, they want you to know that their store has everything from a to z. Simple yet effective right?

3. NBC

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You probably watched their programming in the past, but did you know their logo has a secret Peacock? Ever since they came out with their new logo though, the peacock has been a little harder to spot.

4. Presbyterian Logo

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This is the logo of Presbyterian church and it has several hidden messages. If you wish to learn them all, take a look at this article.

5. Goodwill

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The “g” in “goodwill” and the smiling face look quite  similar huh?

6. Sun Microsystems

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This logo was designed by professor Vaughan Pratt of the Stanford University. Having a clever ambigram you can read the brand name in every direction; horizontally and vertically.

7. Elefont

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Simple yet effective; part of an elephant’s trunk in the negative space inside the letter e.

8. Baskin Robbins

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Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors! The pink in the BR acts as the 31 and as the BR in the logo.

9. LG

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Life is good, especially when playing Pac-Man!

10. Snooty Peacock

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Snooty Peacock is a jewelry store. Their incredible logo includes a woman wearing jewelry and the negative space peacock.

11. Elettro Domestici

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Elettro Domestici is an Italian electric company. Designed by Gianni Bortolotti, the logo uses negative space in a very simple/smart manner.

12. Toblerone

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It’s just a mountain, right? Look closer, do you see the bear? There is a bear shape hidden in the negative space within that mountain. This is meant to symbolize the city of Bern, Switzerland.

13. The Pittsburgh Zoo

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As you already might have guessed, the monkey and lion are staring at each other.

14. Roxy and Quicksilver

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Roxy is a clothing brand for women owned by Quicksilver. The logo is comprised of two Quicksilver logos to make the shape of a heart.

15. Sony Vaio

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The Sony Vaio logo symbolizes the integration of analog and digital technology. The “VA” forms an analog wave and “IO” represents a binary 1 and 0.

16. Tostitos

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See the two people enjoying the chips and dip? Makes me hungry just staring at it…

17. Carrefour Logo

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This French international hypermarket chain translates to “intersection” in English. If you look very closely you will notice that the big “C” in the white space. The two arrows are pointing in opposite directions.

18. The Atlanta Falcons

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If you are a sports fan, then this is old news to you. For others who have never noticed, the Falcon is shaped to represent the letter “F”.

19. London Symphony Orchestra

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Do you see the “LSO” letters or an orchestra conductor?

20.  Hope for African Children Initiative

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This non-profit boasts a cleverly drawn map of Africa, the continent being formed out of the white space that separates a child from its guardian.

21. Tour De France

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There’s a bicyclist in that logo. Hint: The yellow is a wheel.

22. Milwaukee Brewers

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Spoiler: the Milwaukee Brewers is a professional baseball team from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. First you see the baseball mitt. But if you look closely you can see the “m” and the “b.”

23. Unilever

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Unilever is one of the biggest producers of food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. They produce a huge amount of different products and they wanted to reflect this in their logo. Each part of the logo has a meaning. You can see bees, birds, dna, corn, flower, palm tree, and much more inside the “U”

24. Eight

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A very interesting concept, every single letter is made of the number 8.

25. Chick-fil-a

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The Chick-fil-a logo incorporates a chicken into the C.

26. Northwest Airlines

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First of all you can see the letters N and W, the first two letters of the brand name. But what most people don’t see is the compass that points to the Northwest, another reference to the brand name.

27. GreenLabs

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The tree is meant to represent the brain, thus emphasizing on the strong intellectual capabilities of the company’s staff. “Green Labs,” get it?

28. Museum of London

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Looks like a colorful logo right? The design actually represents the geographic area of london as it as grew over time.

29. Facebook Places

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Facebook Places, allows you to share where you are with your friends, see where friends are, and discover new places. This is to compete directly with the current leader Foursquare. Looking at the logo, you will notice it is a 4 in a square. This has to be a hit at Foursquare.

30. Eighty-20

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Eighty-20 is a small consulting firm. Kinda like the surreal green screen of The Matrix, Eighty-20 want us to read stuff in binary. The 80:20 rule, otherwise known as the Pareto Principle, was first observed by an Italian engineer-turned-economist by the name of Vilfredo Pareto (1848 – 1923). The trick is to view the dark squares as 1′s and the light squares as 0′s. Then the top line reads 1010000 and the bottom line reads 0010100, which represent 80 and 20 in binary.

Egg donation is a process in which eggs (oocytes) are taken from one woman (donor), fertilized with sperm, and transferred to another woman (recipient).

Egg donation is most commonly used by women who are unsuccessful after multiple cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF), who have undergone treatment for cancer or have experienced premature ovarian failure. Egg donation is also a good option for single males and male couples who wish to become parents.

Typically, the recipient is the Intended Parent, though in cases where the Intended Parent is unable to carry a pregnancy, or in circumstances involving single males or male couples, a gestational carrier is used.

Traditional egg donation requires the synchronization of the donor’s and the recipient’s/gestational carrier’s menstrual cycles.
